2022 Annual General Meeting – By Zoom

The Annual General Meeting (AGM) is going to be virtual again this year. This decision was made based on rising Covid numbers and feedback from residents. The Board understands that this is not ideal for everyone, but we want to ensure that our neighbours are able to safely participate.

The AGM is on November 12th, 2pm-4pm. We hope you can log on!

Don’t forget that we are still looking for people to join the board. Please let us know if you would like to join.



Meeting ID: 864 0847 6074

Passcode: 755062

Don’t forget to support your community by renewing your membership ($5 per adult per household) by e-Transfer to LHPCA.info@gmail.com.

See the minutes from past AGMs.

Community events

Winter Follies

Typically held in January or February, the Winter Follies are a great opportunity to meet up with neighbours and enjoy our community rink, tobagonning, curling rink and much much more!

Summer Fiesta!

Typically held in June, the Summer Fiesta is fun for the whole family with water games, bouncy castles, snacks and great company!

Community dinner

Typically held in the Fall, the community dinner is a great chance for neighbours to get together for a friendly dinner at Biagio’s for an evening of socializing, good conversation and great food. We are hoping to hold a community dinner in the fall of 2022. Stay tuned for more information!

If you’d like to volunteer for future events, please email us at LHPCA.info@gmail.com